Coronavirus Impact: How to Help

Global healthcare. Globe and stethoscope, studio toned images.

The impact of the coronavirus is being felt in every corner of the globe and the effects of this pandemic will be far-reaching and sustained, particularly by our most vulnerable populations. In addition to following CDC guidelines to prevent the spread of the disease, practicing vigorous hand washing, and (safely) checking on neighbors, what actions can we take to make a difference?

Those of us in the JDJ community are fortunate to be working in an industry relatively sheltered from the massive economic disruption that others across our country and around the world are facing. We are looking for ways to help those most impacted, and are making immediate contributions to local organizations.

We have compiled a list of resources and suggestions for anyone who wants to support their community and help those in need.

  • For those who employ hourly workers or domestic staff, continue to pay hourly workers to the extent possible, whether or not they are able to work.
  • Support small businesses by purchasing gift cards or ordering take-out from your favorite local restaurants.
  • Contribute to your local food bank, or a regional or national organization to help sustain those who are food insecure.
  • The Red Cross is experiencing a severe blood shortage. If you are healthy and eligible, consider making an appointment to donate blood.

There are a wide variety of charitable organizations who would benefit from your support, whether you want to make a targeted donation to a specific group, such as Broadway performers, or prefer to support a broad-based organization to allow funds can be deployed where the need is greatest:

  • Mayor Walsh has established the Boston Resiliency Fund to support Boston residents most affected by COVID-19.
  • The Boston Foundation (TBF) has established a fund to support “communities that are disproportionately affected by the coronavirus outbreak.” TBF also compiled this list of other reputable COVID-19 response funds.
  • Fidelity Charitable collaborated with the Center for Disaster Philanthropy to provide a list of organizations responding to the crisis.
  • Giving Compass has a range of vetted funds addressing immediate and long-term needs related to coronavirus.
  • Organizations such as DirectRelief and GlobalGiving focus on providing much-needed medical supplies and equipment to healthcare workers.

It is uplifting to see the good that can be achieved through human compassion and cooperation, as we all work together to help others during this uncertain and overwhelming time.

Please reach out to a member of your JDJ team with any questions or for assistance with charitable donations or payroll administration.